Sigma Frame had some interesting comments on “WGTOW,” or Women Going Their Own Way. He summarizes it, correctly I think, as the basic Feminist Rebellion that has been going on since forever.

Increasingly, women are figuring out that They Can’t Have It All. Career, especially demanding careers, generally preclude family. High-earning men generally find it easier to get married and have children (although they may not actually have the children). High-earning women generally find it more difficult to get married, and tend to have fewer children, going back at least to the 1980s. Women who do get married and have children find that it tends to undermine their careers — which is why 40% of women doctors end up dropping out or going part-time within ten years. Full-time working mothers find that they are miserably overworked and can’t really care for their children properly. The props that helped ameliorate this problem in the past — mostly, public schools — have deteriorated to the point where ambitious women (all of them with high-paying jobs) don’t want to send their children there. This leaves private schools, which gets very expensive very quickly; and even those are not always very good.

Lower-earning women don’t have careers. But, they might have two jobs, which is just as demanding.

But, as we’ve seen, modern Feminism, going back to the late 18th century, began as a series of rationalizations by women in their thirties who did not get married, that they should have more of a role in society than just taking care of their elderly parents, or being part of one of their brothers’ households. This did make some sense. But, these were women who had already called quits on marriage and family.

But, there are two other aspects to “WGTOW” or “4B” that I think are relevant.

One is that women are just mimicking men. Women, as we know so well now, have almost no capability of analysis or even the crudest self-reflection. Actually, I think they do have the capability, to a lesser but meaningful extent, but they simply don’t use it. Instead, they borrow these aspects from someone else — possibly from the Leftist brainwashing outlets they are exposed to, or possibly from Red Pill sources. I am hearing a number of arguments from women that are basically copies of male arguments, but not actually appropriate from a woman’s perspective.

The other is that, now that many men really are Done With Women, even from the teen years, and with expectations rising everywhere that perhaps 50% of women will never marry, women really do need to prepare for living life permanently alone. We will only know in the future whether 50% of women never get married — when today’s 25yos turn 45, and we can draw a line under it. But, it is happening today.

You see, women do what you tell them. We have been telling them that marriage is off the table, and they do what we tell them to do.

That is why, we tell women around here that they should get married young (about 18-20, with stragglers done by 25), do not have sex before marriage, and live at your father’s house until you are married. You do not want to become one of those WGTOW women. A few will be consoled by their abundant disposable income from their high-paying jobs. But, most will struggle to pay the rent, childlessly, forever.

Likewise for young men, I would say: Build your career to the point where you can support a stay-at-home wife and mother, marry a young virgin age 18-20, and have a lot of children, for example three or five. Homeschool them. An alternative path is to marry young, also around 20-23, and build your lives together with your young wife. If you are not able to support a family this early, then your wife can work for a few years.

Most women today aren’t worth marrying. So, stick with the Top 30% wifey girls.

Girls, you want to be in the Top 30% Wifey girls, or WGTOW for you.

Related to all this, there needs to be a way for 18yo virgins living with their fathers to actually marry worthy husbands; and a way for worthy men to marry these girls. This is missing today. Since most of the daughters from better families are herded into college, you might have to pick them out around Age 16, and maybe just come to an agreement with the Father, sort of like buying a horse.

In other words, Make Women Property Again.

We can expect that the young woman would have a sort of veto. But, with the encouragement of her parents, and with the prospect of getting a house and family of her own — even if it is a one-room rental apartment — I don’t think it is a hard sell.

Published by proprietor

Happily married, with children.

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